

class Tenant: def __init__(self, name, contact): self.name = name self.contact = contact class Property: def __init__(self, address, rent, is_available=True): self.address = address self.rent = rent self.is_available = is_available self.tenant = None def rent_property(self, tenant): if self.is_available: self.tenant = tenant self.is_available = False print(f"{tenant.name}租赁了位于{self.address}的房产。") else: print(f"{self.address}的房产已被租出。") def release_property(self): if not self.is_available: print(f"{self.address}的房产已释放。") self.tenant = None self.is_available = True else: print(f"{self.address}的房产当前是空闲的。") class RentalManagementSystem: def __init__(self): self.properties = [] def add_property(self, property): self.properties.append(property) def display_properties(self): print("所有房产:") for property in self.properties: status = "可用" if property.is_available else "已租" print(f"{property.address} - 月租金: {property.rent}元 - 状态: {status}") def rent_property(self, property_address, tenant): for property in self.properties: if property.address == property_address: property.rent_property(tenant) return print(f"找不到地址为{property_address}的房产。") def release_property(self, property_address): for property in self.properties: if property.address == property_address: property.release_property() return print(f"找不到地址为{property_address}的房产。") # 示例用法 if __name__ == "__main__": system = RentalManagementSystem() property1 = Property("123 Main St", 1000) property2 = Property("456 Oak St", 1200) system.add_property(property1) system.add_property(property2) tenant1 = Tenant("张三", "123-456-7890") tenant2 = Tenant("李四", "987-654-3210") system.display_properties() system.rent_property("123 Main St", tenant1) system.rent_property("456 Oak St", tenant2) system.display_properties() system.release_property("123 Main St") system.display_properties()

如果你想用户管理: 创建一个User类来管理系统中的用户,包括租户和管理员。添加注册、登录、权限管理等功能。

class User: def __init__(self, username, password, role): self.username = username self.password = password self.role = role # 'tenant' or 'admin'

管理员功能: 添加管理员模块,使其能够管理房产信息、查看报告等。

class Admin(User): def __init__(self, username, password): super().__init__(username, password, role='admin') def generate_report(self): # 添加报告生成逻辑 pass def manage_properties(self): # 添加房产管理逻辑 pass

支付处理: 如果需要处理租金支付,可以创建一个支付模块。

class Payment: def __init__(self, amount, date, property_address, tenant_name): self.amount = amount self.date = date self.property_address = property_address self.tenant_name = tenant_name

异常处理: 在系统中添加错误处理机制,以确保程序在发生错误时能够 graceful 地处理异常。

class PropertyNotFoundException(Exception): pass

文件存储: 将房产信息、用户信息等保存到文件中,以便系统重新启动时能够加载先前的数据。

import json class FileStorage: def save_data(self, filename, data): with open(filename, 'w') as file: json.dump(data, file) def load_data(self, filename): try: with open(filename, 'r') as file: return json.load(file) except FileNotFoundError: return {}